volunteers supporting teech in moldova

Vlad became known to TEECH in 2013 when the charity completed a project at his school in Zberoaia. Vlad explains why he continues to support and volunteer for TEECH:
My name is Ulinici-Adam Vlad . I am a member of Moldova's TEECH team . First time I heard about TEECH was in 2013 , when they came in our school , in our village . I was eleven years old and with some English language knowledge , I started to talk to them . To keep contacts , I created my Facebook account and was invited next year to village Balanesti , in the same district as Zberoaia is . Now I'm 15 years old .These 4 years with Rob and the crew gave me the experience of a british life-style , the perspective of long distance friendship and translating ability . I'm proud to keep my violet t-shirt , my gifts and photos where we are feeling good . 5 Christmas trips , 4 summer trips , 4 villages , almost 250 km . Thank you to the Zberoaia-Ivancea trips member , for their spirit in providing happiness . A big hug from your Moldovan friend Vlad the Lad.
Vlad continues to volunteer with TEECH, joining the team in all years to 2019 and has excellent English.
My name is Ulinici-Adam Vlad . I am a member of Moldova's TEECH team . First time I heard about TEECH was in 2013 , when they came in our school , in our village . I was eleven years old and with some English language knowledge , I started to talk to them . To keep contacts , I created my Facebook account and was invited next year to village Balanesti , in the same district as Zberoaia is . Now I'm 15 years old .These 4 years with Rob and the crew gave me the experience of a british life-style , the perspective of long distance friendship and translating ability . I'm proud to keep my violet t-shirt , my gifts and photos where we are feeling good . 5 Christmas trips , 4 summer trips , 4 villages , almost 250 km . Thank you to the Zberoaia-Ivancea trips member , for their spirit in providing happiness . A big hug from your Moldovan friend Vlad the Lad.
Vlad continues to volunteer with TEECH, joining the team in all years to 2019 and has excellent English.
My experience with TEECH started in 2015, when they made renovations at the school in my village.
I was very shy at the beginning, but i started to talk with them on internet and we became friends . Because i knew English, they invited me to help them in Ivancea (2016). I couldn’t stay with them for the whole 2 weeks because i was at a summer school, but i did spend two wonderful days with them . After that came Christmas and i had the honour to travel with them through villages. In 2017, in Sturzeni, i stayed with them from the beginning until the end. It was amazing. It was good to spend time in their group because i improved my English, fell in love with volunteering and made new friends. Now i only wish for summer to come faster to help a new school. Iulia can be seen in the picture holding the orange bag. Iulia has joined the TEECH team each summer and Christmas trip since 2015 and is the key part of the team. Her English is excellent. dorina |
My name is Dorina Leuca. I’m 15 years old and from the village of Boldurești, in the district of Nisporeni. I’ve been a volunteer with TEECH since 2016, although I’ve known them since 2015. That year, they were at our school. I got to know them better at Christmas 2017, when I spent several days with them helping to give gifts in Nisporeni. I was then invited to spend the following summer with them in Sturzeni. There I got to know more closely more of the group. I know that I’m not someone who speaks English well, but there I understood them and they understood me – and accepted me as I am. What can I say? TEECH is a team of people who help others, they offer themselves to others. They offer not only material items, but also love. I’m happy to be a part of this group. Everyone is good, educated, and friendly – such people are rare to find! I am very proud to be a part of TEECH. I’m proud that I help others who need a kind word, a little love, and understanding.
Ma numesc Leuca Dorina, am 15 ani, sunt din satul Bolduresti,Nisporeni.Fac parte din Teech ca voluntar din anul 2016, insa ii cunosc din 2015, anul cand ei au fost in scoala noastra.Pe catvia i-am cunoscut mai bine in 2017 de Craciun, am petrecut cateva zile cu ei, ajutandui sa imparta cadouri in Nisporeni.Am fost invitata cu ei vara care urma in Sturzeni.Acolo am cunoscut in mai deaprope toti membrii.Stiu ca nu sunt o persoana care vorbeste bine engleza, insa cu ei m-am inteles, si ei m-au inteles si m-au acceptat asa cum sunt.Ce pot sa spun Teech este o echipa de oameni care ajuta si pe altii, din putinul lor ofera si altora.Atat cat ofera lucruri materiale ofera si dragoste. Sunt fericita ca fac parte din acest grup.Toti sunt asa de buni, de educati si de prietenosi, rar mai intalnesti asa oameni.Sunt foarte mandra ca fac parte din Teech, sunt madra ca ajut si eu oamenii care chiar au nevoie de o vorba buna,putina iubire si intelegere.
My name is Sergiu Ciochină. I'm 17 years old and from the village of Bolduresti in the Nisporeni district. I've been a part of the TEECH volunteer group since 2015, when volunteers came to our village school. Some volunteers painted murals on the walls and, having this same passion for art, I asked if I could help. They were enthusiastic about the offer and gave me a paintbrush – that's where it all started! Since then I've stayed connected with TEECH; I have continued and will continue to paint with volunteers. Through this, we've become friends and developed personal relationships. For me, TEECH means so much – help, hope, love, and helping our people.
Mă numesc Sergiu Ciochină, am 17 ani, sunt din satul Bolduresti,Nisporeni.
Fac parte ca voluntar in grupul Teech din anul 2015 de cand voluntarii au venit la scoala noastră din sat.Unii voluntari pictau pe pereți,eu având această pasiune, le-am propus dacă i-as putea ajuta , ei fiind bucurosi de ajutor,mi-au dat o pensulă si de aici s-a început totul.Deja am tinut legătura am am continuat a picta cu voluntarii si in.anii următori,asa ne-am inprietenit si am.strans anumite relații.
Pentru mine TEECH inseamnă foarte mult, ajutor ,speranță,iubire si ajutor seminilor nostril.
Mă numesc Sergiu Ciochină, am 17 ani, sunt din satul Bolduresti,Nisporeni.
Fac parte ca voluntar in grupul Teech din anul 2015 de cand voluntarii au venit la scoala noastră din sat.Unii voluntari pictau pe pereți,eu având această pasiune, le-am propus dacă i-as putea ajuta , ei fiind bucurosi de ajutor,mi-au dat o pensulă si de aici s-a început totul.Deja am tinut legătura am am continuat a picta cu voluntarii si in.anii următori,asa ne-am inprietenit si am.strans anumite relații.
Pentru mine TEECH inseamnă foarte mult, ajutor ,speranță,iubire si ajutor seminilor nostril.
My TEECH story started in 2015 when a group of volunteers came to the school in my village. I helped them during the project. I helped them again that winter too and after that I was invited to the next summer project. Since then, I have stuck with them, because I love what they're doing, what we are doing. TEECH has become an inspiration to me, This is why I started to get involved in other projects. Now I work in another project called 'second change' where me and 4 other amazing teenagers want to help the hosting and orientation center for people without a stable home. As TEECH inspired me, I hope I can do the same things for others. They are delivering happiness, they can bring a smile to your face. If TEECH helped me become someone else, become a better person, it can do the same thing for others.